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A U d i t i o n   w o r k s h o p s  FOR  Y O U N G   P E R f O r M E R S 

   - with Premier Casting Director Kim Petrosky, CSA

If you’ve ever auditioned with Kim, you know she is like no other casting director. 

She is one of the most respected casting directors working today. 

With over 25 years experience in film, television and commercial casting,  

This is Kim's first ever workshop for young actors. You do not want to miss this unique opportunity for young performers to master essential skills and techniques they can incorporate in their next audition. 


  • We will cover the types of auditions and projects typical to Southeast casting. We will discuss how to develop a better understanding of characterization in order to expedite scene preparation for auditions and/or tapings.


  • How to create a vibrant  & memorable introduction / interview when auditioning for roles with no dialog.

  • Choosing your best takes for self-tape submissions that assure you are a stand out among countless auditions. 

  • One-on-one scene work with feedback.


  • Q & A with Kim who will share her experienced professional insight. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.


Once you register…we will reach out to you and discuss your goals and involvement in the workshop. My hope is that you will walk away with a better understanding of yourself, increased confidence in your choices and substantial tools to put to use for your next audition


Note: SPACE IS LIMITED, due to the intensive curriculum for each workshop.

These workshops are for ages kids ages 8-12 & teens ages 13-18

Workshop Dates - Nashville: 

Tues, July 24, 2018   11:00AM - 5:00PM - Ages 13 - 18

Wed, July 25, 2018    11:00AM - 5:00PM - Ages  8 - 12

Cost: The cost for either workshop is  $155


To register, please email the following to:



Parent Name

Parent Phone number

Parent Email

Agent, if you have representation

Current headshot & resume – so that we may choose scenes for our workshop participants



Once you receive confirmation of acceptance, payment can be made via Venmo or Cost for this workshop is $155. Please do not send payment until you have received confirmation by email.

Cancellation Policy:  Deadline to cancel is 14 days prior to workshop July 10 for a full refund.

Any cancellation after that time is subject to our ability to find a replacement.

If unable to find a replacement, we regretfully cannot offer a refund

If you have any questions, please feel free to email

Space is limited and response has been overwhelming so if you would like to attend we suggest you sign up ASAP.


Many thanks,


This workshop is a learning experience...educational and experiential.  It is not an audition or employment opportunity. When the workshop is over, the casting director teaching this workshop will not be taking home nor be given access to your headshot, résumé or any other of your promotional materials.


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