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A U d i t i o n   w o r k s h o p s  FOR  Y O U N G   P E R f O r M E R S  

   - with Premier Casting Director Kim Petrosky, CSA


    We are delighted to announce our first ever workshops for actors ages 8 - 18. You do not want to            miss this rare opportunity for teens and kids to learn essential performance skills and techniques 

    they can incorporate in their next audition. 


  • We will cover the types of roles typical to Southeast casting


  • How to create a memorable audition every time 


  • Explore different methods for TV, Film and Commercial auditions


  • One-on-one scene work


  • Q & A with Kim. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend. 



                                                       Workshop Dates:

                      Ages 13 -18 Tues, July 24, 2018  11:00AM - 5:00PM - NASHVILLE 

                      Ages  8 - 12  Wed, July 25  2018  11:00AM - 5:00PM - NASHVILLE



                                                              The cost is  $155

                                             These workshops are for actors ages 8 - 18


                     To register or for more information, visit


This workshop is a learning experience...educational and experiential.  It is not an audition or employment opportunity. When the workshop is over, the casting director teaching this workshop will not be taking home nor be given access to your headshot, résumé or any other of your promotional materials.

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